Hello everyone - Gorgeous George here!
Well, I can't believe we are so near to Christmas - where has the year gone? We are getting very excited here at the ABC and decorations in the tea room have been up for a few weeks now and there is the wonderful smell of mince pies. It certainly looks festive outside with the snow that we had last Sunday still lying in parts - please don't worry about us though as we are all kept warm with rugs, heat pads, extra straw in the pigs' sties and the goats have had a brand new home built for them, just in time for the weather. Cosy toasty!
I would just like to thank all of you who have supported us this year either by attending our fund-raising events, sponsoring us or by donating - it's been a difficult and uncertain time for you all and the fact that you do still support us means the absolute world to me and my pals.
We all wish you a very Merry Christmas and New Year and THANK YOU FOR CARING!
Love and purrs
George XX